One of the great advice given by investment guru, the late Philip Fisher, was that one should exit a stock once the fundamentals of the stock starts to deteriorate. Or as Warren Buffett says he would hold on to a stock for many years as long as the economics of the business didn't change dramatically for the worse. (key word: 'as long as') Most investors look for the following telltale signs of concern to determine if a particular stock might become a 'loser': Declining sales quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year
It is such a great common sense advice.
Look at Megan. Few years back. Fiscal year 2002. Megan reported sales of 139.078 million. Net Profit was 23.807 million. And that is a nice profit margin of 17.03%. Now if anyone asked me back then, i would have to agree that perhaps Megan could have been a decent investment choice way back then in 2002.
But look at it now.
Things have changed.
Folks need to realise this factor.
What used to be good can change.
Good can become bad.
This is life.
And then good becomes bad, what do u want to do about it?
Take Megan into perspective.
Its current half year sales revenue is at 497 million. Its net earnings is 16.926 million.
We are now looking at a company with only a net profit margin of 3.4%.
And 3.4% net profit margin is not the same as 17.03%.
Isn't it crystal clear that the economics of the business has changed dramatically for the worse?
A company whose business economics was enabling the company to generate net profit margin of around 17% has DETERIORATED so much that the company is only generating a mere net profit margin of 3.4%.
And i am only talking about the earnings performance.
What about the debts issue?
Just take the simpliest of comparison. A year ago, same period, Megan only (only?) carried debts totalling 482 million. Now? Debts total 725.151 million. That's an increase of 243 million or an increase of 50.4% over a year.
Common sense question?
What kind of business in the world requires so much money?
And what kind of returns?
Well, according to Megan, during this period a net profit of made 53.675 million.
Well, if you look at it, perhaps you could argue that the profit is decent but the biggest issue is Where did Ze Moola go?
If they make soooo much, surely the piggy bank will show some signs of improvement. Right onot?
And then the trade receivables that practically went Ka-Booom!!
I mean it's truly incredible. Such a total farce!
A year ago, same period, trade receivables totalled 231.821 million.
Now? This trade receivables totals some 331.357 million. An increase of 99.536 million. An increase of 42.9%!
With the trades receivables blowing up by 42.9%, where is the justification for Megan to borrow soooooo much money?
Who on earth borrows money by so much and the only visible return or the only visible wealth generated is the money owed to the company?
Isn't Megan simply financing its customers?
And what if some of these customers debts turn bad? How then?
Is this the right way to run a business?
And from a business perspective, would you really want to own a business like this?
So again...
Is it or is not crystal clear that Megan's economic of business has changed dramatically for the worse?
Somtimes, I really wonder.
Is it really all that difficult to see?
Is it really all that difficult to see that perhaps we had made a mistake in our stock selection?
Humans make errors and will always making error over and over and over again.
Doesn't it just make sense to admit our mistake?
Or are we going to hold and hope that the market will become hot (and HOPEFULLY Megan moves up too) and in the process helping us to rectifiy our investment mistake!
Will the market really be that kind to us?
Or as Warren Buffett said, "Do we have to make money back the same way we lost it?"
I have read before that it is never easy distinguishing and differentiating between a temporary setback in business economics and a real collapse in the economics of the business.
Perhaps sometimes one is afraid to sell and acknowledge their mistake because they could be selling a stock after purchasing the stock just a couple of months ago.
Why afraid?
Perhaps scared of being branded a trader or scared that such short term activities could develop into a nasty habit of buying and selling stocks too often.
Yes, I do agree very much with all of it but if one has made a mistake, shouldn't one admit to it?
What is so wrong in selling a stock because we realised that we have made a mistake in our stock selection?
Isn't it more important to do what is right?
Not selling?
What if the mistake gets bigger as the stock price could diminish as per the stock fundamentals?
Remember Warren Buffett's saying to stop digging when we find ourselves in a hole?
Here is an interesting educating article:
One of the most common investing rules you hear quoted is Sell Losers and Let Winners Run, but there are exceptions...
In that article there is a check list of telltale signs of a potential loser ...
Rising debt levels
Declining profit margins
Rising inventory levels
Changes in regulatory or legal environment
Emerging competitiors or technologies
Rising interest rates
An emerging overall bear market
Events that negatively impact future earnings
Mergers and acquisitions
Management changes
Institutional or insider selling
Dividend cut or elimination
Concerns over accounting procedures
Run the above checklist on Megan... :P
How many telltale warning flags do you spot?
Quick links:
Megan: Part II
Megan: Part III
Megan: Part IV
Megan: Part V
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Megan: Part VI
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: Megan Media
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Hi Sifu moola,
I'm so impressed with your analysis. Keep up the good work so that I can learn from you.
Your kind student,
There's nothing really impressive about what i write ler... cos most of the time... me just mumble and bumble and mumble all the time...
Cheers and Happpy 2006!
I was merely blogging down my opinions on Megan, in which i saw a company whose fundamentals were deteriorating for quite sometime.
So opinions are opinions are opinions are but opinions...
And in the stock market... opinions and views are a dime a dozen... soooo... do please take what i have written with a pinch of salt.
tau keh, gong xi fat choy hor....
gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ah...gong xi gong xi...gong xi ni
Moola moola in the web, can you tell me why does Megan's EBITDA trend looks so good ?
I'm confuse as the fundamental is really start to get into deep shit, but how come EBITDA margin is getting better ?
Is it in fundamental analysis, some indicator show very bad sign, but other's can still shows very good sign ?
I am very confuse and lose now, please help me.
My long, long, and not forgeting longer and rich Jun,
Wassup dude?
Weiii... Ah Pool and Bolton later kick... think can ar? Eleven wor..
Weii... me thinking about mumblinb and bumbling and mumbling on bola-bola... u think i can get business ka?
Happy 2$$6
Just curious...
Why the focus on EBITDA?
Megan has no longer the earnings growth to tok.
Cash? Teruk.
Loans? Teruk.
Fundamentals? Teruk.
So now is EBITDA?
Well, the EBITDA trend is pretty much a nonsenical yardstick created during the technology boom in 2000 when the analysts had not much earnings per share to tok about!
Earnings were low or non-existing and on ocassions, some were even were losing money.
So without earnings to tok about, the market had nothing concrete to base their buy calls on. Viola. They created EBITDA.
Yup, that's when EBITDA was born.
A yardstick about nothing.
What's more important?
Earnings Before Income Taxes Depreciation and Amortization
Earnings After Income Taxes Depreciation and Amortization?
And not forgetting EBITDA can be used to mask balance sheet issues.
Think of Worldcom.. think of how, the market trumpted a buy on Worldcom because of their so-called EBITDA margins. Well, Worldcom fudged their EBITDA numbers. And the rest was simply history.
So I wonder why the shift of the focus on EBITDA from the issue of Megan and its earnings.
Commensense question: If Megan is really so geng... no need to tok about EBITDA, isn't it?
Now Megan earnings get hit teruk-teruk, now the focus is on Megan's improving EBITDA?
Moola Big Man(大人), u really r a wise man with vast knowledge.
Your comment has enlighten me much more than I can imagine.
Thank you very much, now I know that EBITDA is not a good profitability indicator, especial for technology company.
I suggest to change EBITDA (Earnings Before Income Taxes Depreciation and Amortization) to EINITDA (Earnings If No Income Taxes Depreciation and Amortization). I think that could describe the actual meaning so that it will not confuse people.
Don't anyone agree that?
Mulan and CB,
I am actually pretty puzzled.
Why suddenly this issue of EBITDA?
Put it this way, if Megan is good, then it is good, rite? No need lah for yardsticks like EBITDA. Tiok boh?
And actually the yardstick itself makes no sense...
cos... how can one define the E in the EBITDA?
Is earnings really really earnings when the ITDA is not included?
Can one not pay the INTERESTS due?
Can one not pay the TAXES due?
Can one not DEPRECIATE and AMORTISE assets which we all know will depreciate in its lifespan?
If the answer is a resounding NO, then why bother with EBITDA?
WHy does Megan have a high depreciation charges? Cos it machinary to produce the goods it sells, is so technlogoy based. Look at the history of the disc storage itself. How many changes have we seen so far? For every single change, new machniery has to be installed.
So what kind of business model do we have?
A business which needs to spend capex after capex after capex to stay IN the game.
And due to short life span.. the higher depreciation charges for the machinery is but a MUST.
Soo... commonsense thingy...
how do u rate such a business?
ps.. just wandering if this EBITDA is given as an advice from stock message board?...Cos if so, it looks like the bugger is insinuating that Megan is STILL good despite all the visible weakness seen. How do u rate folks given such advice?
ps.. if good, it is good... rite?
ps.. if bad .. no matter what.. it is still bad. Most important? Be a man, accept the fact.
Well, EBITDA was mention by some buddy in some forum, I was buzz with the idea, how come this indicator shows good sign but the business really not convincing at all.
That's why I come seek your opinion about it.
Unfornately, most people will treat this EBITDA like gem as it was mention by that some buddy that they worship like a guru.
Ahh... that's what i suspected. (in fact i know where it is coming from!)
Very simply to evaluate the situation.
Right now, we try to discard everything we know about the stock.. ie we try to look from a big picture...
So what we have?
We have this so-called forum guru giving an investment 'tip' on Megan.
Now, if I am not mistaken, initially the reason to buy was based on EPS growth propsect and yardstick like ROE. (again.. amazing.. ROE's weakness as a yardstick is well-known because a company engineering their growth via huge borrowings would have had caused an illusion in the ROE yardstick).
Now the earnings is down... this bugger tried to insinuate things by saying the EBITDA trend is higher...
now.. how would i evaluate the situation?
I see someone who had a stock pick gone bad.
Now, instead of admitting and owning up to their mistake, this bugger diverts the attention of Megan's poor earnings and decaying fundamentals to the non-issue of EBITDA...
me think this is not the right thing to do, isn't it?
Don't u think so?
Unfortunately, people are blindful.
For those who does not really know how to swim, when they get into the water, they tend to grap something to hold on, no matter if that is a iron steel bar, which will bring him down under the sea.
Yet while the steel bar is sinking, they will not let go...
I can see some good heart like Ah Bull trying to warn them, but instead they treat it as an offence and challenge to them...
Why like this ? I really don't get it, anyway I feel gald as I am not in the same ship with them.
U see this is but the stock market.
And in the end, no matter what, opinion and views will always differ. Doesn't this explain why there is always winners and losers in the stock market?
Tiok boh?
Which is why some regard atitude as the most important asset if one wants to be successful in the stock market.
Be it trading or be it speculating or be it investing, if one does not have the right atitude to play the game in the most sensible manner, they will surely play the losing game!!
Take Megan.
The fundamentals had been decaying for sooooooo long. One should have realised it ... oh some 6 or 7 quarters ago!
Now just imagine if one had purchased this stock as an investment. Now if they adopted the right attitude and realised & acknowledged this deterioration in fundamentals issue, the right attitude would have required them to stand up and acknowledge that their stock picking is wrong.And once one is wrong, the right thing to do is stop being wrong. And you achieve this by acknowledging the mistake. No buts to it!
And if this was done properly, then today's plunge is but a non-isssue.
Tiok boh?
Wisely said, nicely said !
It it all investing phycology that affect our decision making.
Even if we study all these phyco stuff, yet when we confront it, we are helplessly lost.
Just like cut lose, we tell ourself to cut lose when things start to go bad.
But when things really starts to go bad, we actually find a lot of reason/excuses to rationalise the situation, it is done automatically without ourself realise it.
After giving ourself some reasons why things are going bad, then we will starts looking forward, as the current situation is bad and we don't want to see it.
So we often tell ourself the future outlook is brigth, no worries !
Then we go into blind mode as we don't see the danger that is knocking at the door, and we sleep very nicely every night.
Untill one day, "danger" break into the house, then perhaps it is too late.
I had actually doing the blind mode for several times already.
I guess maybe I have to suffer for several times more before I give up this blind mode dhabbit.
I really hope so....
Attitude and Rationality.. two of the most required thingys to be successful in the stock market.
U are most welcomed...
do remember... this is just a blog... just a blog of my mumblings and bumblings.... and at the end of the day.. it is but my opinion only. Ok?
No whether my opinion is right onot.. i wud rather suggest u to take what i said with a pinch of salt... ok?
For sometimes... it has been proven many, many a times that Zee market can be indeed very the market can indeed go against rational thinking!
Dear moola,
you are so accuratelah,this megan is falling like hell and someone has recommend to speculate for quick gain.
I dont know how to advice them further.
Wassup Doc!
Happy new Year to you & your family!
Err.. err.. err...
Err... everything that falls will most likely to have a decent bounce sooner or later.
Key issue is WHEN!
Remember the Tong Herr example?
Fundamental analysis always teach us to hold on the stocks for few years and ignore the stock price bumping
The one huge problem in this is what if our stock selection is wrong? and what if the stock turns bad?
Either way.. we are holding onto a stock gone bad.
Are we gonna rectify this mistake or are we gonna hope that the market rectify our mistake?
Which is the sensible thingy to do?
Die lah...
Let me re-phrase what i wrote... else i get misunderstood!
Err... everything that falls will most likely to have a decent bounce sooner or later.
Key issue is WHEN!
Remember the Tong Herr example?
u see... in most cases of falling stocks... they dun just fall.
"Think of yourself standing on the corner of a high building in a hurricane with a bag of feathers. Throw the feathers in the air. You don't know how high they will go. You don't know how far they will go. Above all, you don't know how long they will stay up. Yet you know one thing with absolute certainty: eventually on some unknown flight path, at an unknown time, at an unknown location, the feathers will hit the ground, absolutely, guaranteed. These are situations where you absolutely know the outcome of a long-term interval, though you absolutely cannot know the short-term periods in between. That is almost perfectly analogous to the stock market."
Sooo... what i am saying is... with this drastic fall in Megan.. there will come a point in time.. where there a technical rebound in the stock price movement is very possible.
And this is where it is TRICKY.
For me.. i wun dare say such Technical Rebound will NOT happen.. and neither will i advocate such strategy.
Cos.. The key is catching where and when.
Now unless one is a good trader.. such strategy is FULL of risk if one simply-simply whack the stock!
I am sure u know what i am BUMBLING about... ;)
This 'where and when' thingy..
U see... although i, myself, cannot do it & will not attempt to do it, i for one dare not say it cannot be done.
Take the black swan theory into perspective.
For all it takes is one to make a bold statement that all swans are white and all it takes is a black swan to disprove the theory.
Meaning to say...
i dare NOT say that it is impossible to make money via trading...
i dare NOT say that it is impossible to make money via speculating...
i dare NOT say that it is impossible to make money via punting...
and sooooooooo i dare NOT say a rebound in Megan is not possible!
Standard and Poors:
2QFY06 results. Downgrade to Strong Sell.
Megan rebounding. Hope for best.
Yeah... in life... one must have HOPE... and one usually HOPE for ze BEST!
Ze Market? Dat's a wild beast. Hope might not be the best weapon to combat dis wild beast!
Do take care!
hi nm
just drop by to say hallo.
ur blog now very hot with megan ah!
happy new year to u.
Wassup lah?
Happy New Year to you & your family.
U know my stance on Megan for sooooo long mah. The stock was a big AVOID for more than a year ago.
Anywayyy... me initial blog on Megan had no intention of putting the stock down mah.. it was blogged because of that one farnee statement by the bossie declaring dat Megan was cash rich...
Anywayyyy... how's work?
Good ah?
Work? still the same la, just less traveling recently, waiting for Chinese New year mah...
btw, i saw somebody posted ur blog's link in other forum, so do expect more visitors
I see, i see... :)
weii... so dis year... err... big, big bonus?
me working in "ang mo kau" company, bonus is fix one month every year, company making money or not, also one month, no more no less...sien
btw, i see yilai's price is falling to year low recently, want to start a blog on this cyclical stock? hehe...want to hear from sifu mah
oh ya, shud i call u nm or moola or sifu or ...? just kidding
You can olso call me a JKB?
weiii... Ang Mo pay bonus veryyyyyyy geng one mah... sure u no bruff me ah?
dat one?
Read dat its new factory ( according to RHB) Pak Unker Woo and Auntie Ying!!!!
Housing market olso not so geng..
Sooo... BigKor... dun u think it is better wait for next quarter and then... check see where the wind blowing? Tiok boh?
jkb = jaga kereta boy?
bonus only one month, really! my ang mo bossie very stingy mah. tat's why me "bo lui lang" need to look for alternative income - bursa, or it may make me poorer? hehe...
anyway, for dat one, i read an article that its new factory is not in production le, no customer order, dun know true onot
p/s: to post my comment very difficult le, each time need to key in the word verifcation, want to test my eye sight meh??
Aiseh.. how cannnnnn u be a BLL?
Dun bruff-bruff lah!
I apologise for that word verification but this thingy is needed or else there will be machine generated spam ler... err.. so susah to see meh?
no problem la, better me susah sikit rather than u receive a lot of spam mah...
btw, where r all our old friends? recently all very quite le, already in CNY mood?
Err.. err.. err...
i really have no idea wor!
Maybe.. just maybe.. they are on a nice holiday... :)
Yeah... CNY coming wor... Ah Junior kor oredi singing out loud-loud...
gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ah...gong xi gong xi...gong xi ni
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