Thursday, June 04, 2009

Is The Economy Recovery For Real?

With shipping stocks showing signs that they have 'bottomed', does this means that the global economy is recovering?

I found an opinion to this question.

On the,
No Green Shoots, Rail, Truck Traffic Down; Air Cargo Hoping For a Bottom

In the article Mike Shedlock reasoned that they were no 'green shoots' for the rail, truck traffic and air cargo.

Here's the chart provided and as you can see there are really no indication of any 'green shoots'!

As Mike puts it..

  • Rebound Questionable
    Shipping may have bottomed, but as long as the economy is losing 500,000 jobs a month and housing is still in a decline, any rebound will be anemic at best.

And the surging Baltic Dry Index has its doubters too. The current demand is driven by China's massive purchase of iron ore. Vessels were few. There were port congestion to the 'sudden' surge in order from China for iron ore. These factors drove the shipping soaring. And the doubters questions the sustainability of the demand.